Valérie Wattelle

Valérie has 20+ years experience, helping organizations meet their pragmatic challenges. Currently an Agile leader with Capgemini, Valérie coaches organizations and their people in their journey into Agile implementation, helping them get better hands-on results. She has worked in several countries with global actors in retail, banking and industry.

Valérie also has a leadership and research background : she defended a memoire on “shaping leaders with Mintzberg” at the CIRPP lab in Paris and received standing ovation. As a manager on leadership programs for top global company executives, she worked with The MDI (India, Gurgaon) and Société Générale (Montréal, Bucharest).

Valérie has 80+ publications in Cadre et Dirigeant Magazine. Speaker for Capgemini Global Agile Week “The Art of Agile Coaching and Global Agile Conference “Manage your biases and decide better: the magic of high performing teams”  – Marseille Agile Tour 2019 “Collective Intelligence WS”

High performing teams at every level of the organization, especially at executive levels are crucial. They may bring better decisions with better engagement and better results.
