09:00 - 10:00
Deepti Jain: State of Agile Transformation in India
India has not seen many successful Agile Transformations, and in this report we have worked over 2 years, first with 30, and then with 40 Lean Agile Practitioners and Thought Leaders from Industry who have played a pivotal role in their organisation’s journey for Agility, to understand why Agile Transformation are not achieved, or sustained here. This report also reflected on how the country's culture, mindset and socioeconomic position impacts.
Key Takeaways:
Learn the framework that you too can use for your team, organisation or country to showcase key factors impacting the state of anything.
Understand what are possible factors influencing any transformation of a group.
Learn about Indian culture and industries there. You can use it when you are planning work in India.
Credits: This is an original content, created by me, along with Tathagat Verma, and then as an experience report researcher, I got Shepherded by Rebecca Wirfs-Brock.
10:30 - 11:30
Deepti Jain: Understanding Your Team - The Compass Activity (Workshop)
The Compass Activity allows any team (distributed or collocated) to understand the work preferences for each team member. From understanding these preferences, a team can create working agreements.
Key Takeaways:
Establish initial working agreements for a new team, especially a distributed team that can't meet in person.
But the real power of this exercise comes when a team member enters or leaves the team.
The exercise can be run again to see what a departing team member is taking with them or what a new team member brings to the team.
This activity can also be great for team building, helping members see how their differences can help them, more like how they all can complement each other.
Credits: I learned this game from Mark Kilby. All details are here: https://bit.ly/compasspts-Kilby.
11:00 - 12:00
Peter Stevens: Three Secrets of Agile Leaders
Agility as a movement started with software developers uncovering better ways of doing what they do. Today that movement is driving even business leaders to rethink how they lead their organizations. What does it mean to "be" agile? How can agility be applied to leading organizations? Where do successful agile leaders start? Three stories, three secrets and three tips to apply agility for more impact in your life and work.
14:00 - 15:00
Oana Juncu: accessing our collective fears to reach shared leadership, purpose driven Agile organisations and Product Ownership
If you are a manager, did you feel excited by a more collaborative way of working, then felt lost because your hierarchy has the same "old ways" type of expectations from you? Whether you are an Agile Coach, an Agile transformation facilitator or a a Scrum Master, did it happen to you to feel frustrated because the change you wanted to see was not the one that was taking place? Did you ever think that the values and principles you promoted had not the desired echo? Did you ever feel the pressure to succeed in a transformation, while people had other operational priorities?
If you ever felt this way, this session invites you to explore another path toward leadership, a path that I believe helpful either for coaches, facilitators, and managers, the path of the servant leader, who I'd rather call "leader at service".
In the talk you are invited to play with the "Human Element" model created by William Schulz to explore the root causes of our fears, and discover the transformation model toward selfless leadership for a shared purpose driven Agile organisation, model inspired by the Theory U. It will highlight the "leader at service" posture beyond our own fears, our ego and eventually, our own involvement in power games.
15:15 - 16:15
Oana Junco: going deeper into the presentation topic (Workshop)
See Oana Junco's presentation description (previous session)
16:00 - 17:00
Aanu Gopald: Agility in Africa - The Past and the Promising Future
All around the world, digital transformation is becoming a critical factor in long-term, sustainable economic development, and Africa is no exception.
Research shows that the continent is still trailing behind not just in adoption but embracing the agile mindset compared to other continents in the world. While there are several factors behind this slow adoption, the next two decades seems to be promising to the young continent, as the world is expected to see more changes, digital transformation and innovation in Africa than any other continent in the world.
In this session, I will share some of these challenges and what the future of agility looks like for Africa.
18:00 - 19:00
Heitor Roriz Filho: Reinventing the greatest invention of the last 120 years
Agile is the tip of the iceberg of a New Era in Management. Management is an invention and a technology. Like any tech it is subject to change following an S-curve. Guess what? We are way past its inflection point and right now the New Business Administration is being literally invented by practitioners around the world, just like 120 years ago when the foundations of mass production, task design and brand management were laid out by industry practitioners! I will cover in this talk what is being challenged in general management, how Agile worked as a spark plug for this whole process, what concepts are already in practice, and where we are heading. Simply put: I show the missing piece of the puzzle that EVERY change agent aka Agile Coach MUST know in order to truly succeed in transformation projects. Even if you don't have a management background. Welcome to the New Era in Management.
19:00 - 20:00
Yves Vervloesem: The New New MBA - Master of Business Agility
In this fast-train talk, you will find inspiration on how relevant the skills and techniques of the typical MBA, Master of Business Administration, still are.
Understanding deliberate versus emergent strategy, understanding the learning organization, understanding the matrix versus the network organization, ... we will take you through some of the typical MBA skills and theories for sense-making, but do they still matter in a Business Agility context?

20:00 - 21:15
Brock Argue & Erkan Kadir: Integrated Agile - How to gracefully manage the reality of agile mixed with waterfall (Workshop)
Agile mixed with Waterfall exists in every product development organization globally, yet current thinking teaches us to crusade for one approach at the expense of the other - an approach that creates unnecessary resistance and alienates people with different perspectives. The question is: How can we manage the reality of a mixed-methods environment while still receiving the intended benefits of both approaches? In this talk, Brock Argue and Erkan Kadir will introduce Integrated Agile, a groundbreaking and practical approach that leverages Polarity Thinking to manage the predictable dynamics between Agile and Waterfall while maximizing the upsides of both approaches.